
What is Pheochromocytoma? Pheochromocytoma is a tumour of the adrenal gland. The tumour is generally a benign one. These tumours produce excess hormones like adrenaline. They are very vascular. Clinical Features of Pheochromocytoma 1.…


What is Cystitis? Cystitis is a condition where the urinary bladder is infected by bacteria. Causes 1. Women are more prone because of the proximity of the anus, sexual intercourse, and pregnancy. 2. Introduction of catheters.…


What is Botulism? Botulism is an acute form of food poisoning that results from ingestion of a toxin produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. This infection is spread due to contaminated canned foods. Botulinum toxins are the…

Kidney Stones

What is Kidney Stones? Kidney stones are usually based on calcium salts, uric acid, cystine and struvite. Of the calcium stones the majority are made of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. The commonest kidney stones are the calcium…

Myasthenia Gravis

What is Myasthenia Gravis? Myasthenia Gravis is a chronic disease characterised by abnormal weakness and fatigability on exertion. It is due to a shortage of an enzyme called Acetylcholine as a result of acetyle choline receptor…


What is Tetanus? Tetanus is a neuralgic disorder, characterised by increased muscle tension and spasms (Trismus). The disease is caused by a bacteria called clostridium tetani. This organism is found in soil and in animal feces. This…

Brain Tumors

What is Brain Tumor? It is a growth of abnormal cells within the brain that may be cancerous or non-cancerous. Brain tumors produce symptoms by compression of adjacent tissues or by the infiltrative spread. Many of the symptoms are caused…

Polycystic Kidney Disease

What is Polycystic Kidney Disease Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease is a systemic hereditary disorder transmitted in an autosomal-dominant manner. It is genetically heterogeneous; so far, two genes have been identified. The…

Breast Abscess

What is Breast Abscess? It is an acute collection of pus within the breast tissue. Causes 1. Women who have recently given birth to a child. 2. Poor nipple hygiene. 3. Not permitting the child to breastfeed. 4. Rough handling of breasts.…


What is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is defined as the abnormal development of breasts in men.Causes 1. Physiological: Newborns, adolescence, aging. 2. Pathological: a. Deficient testosterone increased estrogen. b. Congenital absence of…